Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hey There!

Come on in and sit down. You'll have to excuse the mess, I'm still getting everything set up here. Just move a box or two around and find a seat.
If you managed to find your way here, I'm going to assume you already know me. Still, for anyone who has just happened to find their way here, I suppose an introduction is in order.
My name is David Hammond, but you can just call me Dave. This blog is an experiment (much like a lot of blogs). When I was a kid, and up until my college years, I wanted to be a writer (or an actor). Due to the usual things (life, the universe, everything), I drifted away from it. About a year ago, after several years of trial and error, I finally graduated from college with my BA. While I was there, I did a LOT of writing. To my surprise, I found I really enjoyed it. The end result of my work (besides the degree) was an article in the college literary magazine KNOCK on the topic of filmmaker Ralph Bakshi. It also led to an awakened sense of interest in writing. For a year (or so), I puttered around, trying to figure out what to do with this interest. Eventually, after being nudged by several people, I decided to start a blog.
Well, I figure that the discipline of writing a blog (on at least a weekly basis), is a good way to flex my writing muscles and get them back in shape. It's also a good way to work out some ideas I have for my writing (especially a book on the films of the aforementioned Ralph Bakshi). And thirdly, it's not a bad way to show off my writing skills to any employers who might be interested in me (Hi Guys!). Yep, like many of you out there, reading this in the middle of the day, I'm currently unemployed.
So, just what is this blog going to be about? Well partly, it's just going to be me chatting about what happens to strike my fancy. Don't worry, it won't be especially political (unless I can't help it). I don't read other people's political blogs and I'm not going to start one up here. Most likely, it'll mainly be about pop culture: movies, music, TV, etc. (Yep, one of THOSE blogs!) So if that's NOT what you want in a blog, see you later and don't let the door hit you on the way out. If it is, stick around. I can't promise it'll be great, but I think it'll be interesting.
Now if you don't mind, you can see yourself out. I still have to get things organized. Thanks for stopping in and feel free to drop by any time. I'll try to have something a bit more interesting ready for you next time. Take it easy.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, now that I'm taking a forced week off of Facebook (part of my goal for my staycation), I'm going to catch up on my blog reading (and writing). So, yay! Way to go on starting up a blog! I look forward to reading it.
